E na semana que começaram as vendas do XBox One, a Microsoft divulgou que foram vendidas mais de um milhão de unidades do aparelho em 24 horas, no mundo todo. Nada mal, se considerarmos que essa época do ano é quando as empresas esperam faturar mais devido às festividades de final de ano. A Sony também divulgou números de vendas parecidos em relação ao PlayStation 4.
Giovanni Bassi @giovannibassi Mais de um milhão de #XboxOne vendidos em um dia! http://www.engadget.com/2013/11/22/xbox-one-crosses-million-sold-mark-in-under-24-hours/
Ricardo Oneda @roneda COBOL still not dead yet, taking on the cloud http://www.zdnet.com/cobol-still-not-dead-yet-taking-on-the-cloud-7000023462/
Ricardo Oneda @roneda NSA malware infected over 50,000 computer networks worldwide http://www.zdnet.com/nsa-malware-infected-over-50000-computer-networks-worldwide-7000023537/
Rob Kerr @robkerrbi Microsoft’s devices head: We wont have three Windows versions in the future http://www.neowin.net/news/microsofts-devices-head-we-wont-have-three-windows-versions-in-the-future
Rafael @f0gg Nós NÃO precisamos de mais programadores http://www.yanaga.com.br/2012/05/nos-nao-precisamos-de-mais.html
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Smartwatches aren’t the next big thing. The next big thing is already here http://www.zdnet.com/smartwatches-arent-the-next-big-thing-the-next-big-thing-is-already-here-7000023518/
Luciano Lima MVP @LucianoLima_MVP Reduzindo a Exploração de Vulnerabilidades com o EMET 4.1 http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/pt-br/contents/articles/21178.reduzindo-a-exploracao-de-vulnerabilidades-com-o-emet-4-1.aspx
Fabio Akita @AkitaOnRails Bitcoin: Money of the Future or Old-Fashioned Bubble? - Patrik Korda - Mises Daily: http://mises.org/daily/6401/Bitcoin-Money-of-the-Future-or-OldFashioned-Bubble
André Massaro @andremassaro The Top 10 Corporate Social Media Disasters http://www.businessinsider.com/the-top-10-corporate-social-media-disasters-2013-11
Fernando Henrique @FerHenrique Learn to build great WinRT apps with XAML and C# http://www.win8tutorial.net/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Steve Ballmer’s replacement needs to make this phone call http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-57613359-75/steve-ballmers-replacement-needs-to-make-this-phone-call/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > How replacing Java with JavaScript is paying off for PayPal http://www.zdnet.com/how-replacing-java-with-javascript-is-paying-off-for-paypal-7000023697/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Are Open Source Developers Too Demanding? http://readwrite.com/2013/11/26/are-open-source-developers-too-demanding
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Hey, Enterprise Developers! Get Agile Or Get Steamrollered http://readwrite.com/2013/11/27/agile-development-software#awesm=~ooNACUrLDv2dmN
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Here’s how Google and Amazon scale up their huge IT operations http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/print/9244410/Here_s_how_Google_and_Amazon_scale_up_their_huge_IT_operations