Em primeiro lugar, desejo a todos que acompanham meu blog um excelente ano novo! O primeiro Aconteceu no Twitter de 2014 vem recheado de notícias do finalzinho do ano passado e do começo desse ano. Sim, o ano mal começou mas já há novidades interessantes. Uma delas diz respeito ao anúncio de novos modelos de PCs, que permitem rodar Windows e Android. A HP e a Lenovo foram ainda mais longe, e lançarão PCs puramente Android. Será uma jogada de mestre ou um ato desesperado de empresas que estão vendo cair o número de PCs vendidos devido ao crescimento dos dispositivos móveis? Ano vai, ano vem e o que não parece mudar são os problemas de segurança que o Java tem. Dessa vez, o problema afetou quem visitou o site do Yahoo, que é um dos mais acessados do mundo. Para terminar, sugiro ler sobre a história de como o anúncio do iPhone afetou o desenvolvimento Android. Resumidamente: o iPhone foi tão inovador, que o Google teve que começar de novo. Leia a história completa, vale a pena.
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Channel 9 Content for Beginners http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/Beginner
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Exploits no more! Firefox 26 blocks all Java plugins by default http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/12/10/firefox_26_blocks_java
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Microsoft bets on Windows XP disaster http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9244757/Microsoft_bets_on_Windows_XP_disaster
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > What employers want from enterprise architects http://www.zdnet.com/what-employers-want-from-enterprise-architects-7000024300/
**Pluralsight **@pluralsight The future of Microsoft as seen by an insider who could be its next CEO http://qz.com/157521/satya-nadella-the-future-of-microsoft-as-seen-by-an-insider-who-could-be-its-next-ceo/
Airton Leal @AirtonAtDell 9 Tech Trends That Will Make Someone Billions Of Dollars Next Year http://www.businessinsider.com/2014s-billion-dollar-tech-trends-2013-12?op=1
silvio meira @srlm em carta aberta ao povo brasileiro, Edward #SNOWDEN “pede” asilo e diz que pode ajudar muito, ainda http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/mundo/2013/12/1386291-leia-integra-da-carta-de-snowden-ao-brasil.shtml
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Maybe Oracle Isn’t The MySQL Villain So Many People Think http://readwrite.com/2013/12/16/oracle-mysql#awesm=~osKvGuy4wKmfvR
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > XOLO to launch new Windows Phones next year from $150 http://www.neowin.net/news/xolo-to-launch-new-windows-phones-next-year-from-150
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Why Microsoft Had No Choice But To Buy Nokia’s Smartphone Business In One Chart http://techcrunch.com/2013/12/17/why-microsoft-had-no-choice-but-to-buy-nokias-smartphone-business-in-one-chart/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Oracle’s still the No. 1 database, but MySQL is on the rise
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Google Dart target: Chrome soon! Other browsers…someday http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57615837-93/google-dart-target-chrome-soon-other-browsers…someday/
Fillipe Massuda @fimassuda RT @programmableweb: Is REST losing its flair? http://blog.programmableweb.com/2013/12/19/is-rest-losing-its-flair-rest-api-alternatives-2/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Expect a season of new beginnings from Microsoft in 2014 http://www.infoworld.com/d/microsoft-windows/expect-season-of-new-beginnings-microsoft-in-2014-232763
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > ASP.NET Trends for 2014 http://geekswithblogs.net/dlussier/archive/2013/12/19/154918.aspx
silvio meira @srlm a #NETFLIX [liberdade COM responsabilidade] revolucionou a gestão de PESSOAS http://hbr.org/2014/01/how-netflix-reinvented-hr/ar/1
Ricardo Oneda @roneda The Day Google Had to ‘Start Over’ on Android because of the… iPhone http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/12/the-day-google-had-to-start-over-on-android/282479/
bjorg @bjorg ROTLMAO! - I used Firefox OS for 30 days and it made me want to quit phones forever http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/firefox-os-review/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Microsoft Doesn’t Get Enough Credit http://devproconnections.com/development/microsoft-doesnt-get-enough-credit
Ricardo Oneda @roneda Big Data: Most data isn’t “big,” and businesses are wasting money pretending it is http://qz.com/81661/most-data-isnt-big-and-businesses-are-wasting-money-pretending-it-is/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Java Applets: Obsolete or Still Part of the Web? http://www.sitepoint.com/java-applets-obsolete-still-part-web/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Midori and M#: Microsoft’s open source bridge to better security?: http://www.infoworld.com/print/233406
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado Why didn’t Linux win on the desktop? http://www.zdnet.com/why-didnt-linux-win-on-the-desktop-7000024760/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado Microsoft’s late fixing Windows, but ahead on the cloud http://www.infoworld.com/t/microsoft-windows/microsofts-late-fixing-windows-ahead-the-cloud-233452
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado 15 hot programming trends – and 15 going cold http://www.infoworld.com/print/233343
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado Microsoft: Windows Phone outselling iPhones in 24 http://www.wpcentral.com/microsoft-windows-phone-outselling-iphones-24-markets
Gil Giardelli @gilgiardelli MIT abre material online dos seus cursos, sem custo! Tks OpenGL innovation ;-) http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Everything you need to know about Yahoo’s security breach http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/01/06/everything-you-need-to-know-about-yahoos-security-breach/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Intel Officially Announces Dual OS Support, Many Devices Running both Windows and Android http://microsoft-news.com/intel-officially-announces-dual-os-support-many-devices-running-both-windows-and-android-coming-in-2014/
Paulo Morgado @PauloMorgado > Windows and Android on one PC? Here’s how AMD and Intel plan to do it http://www.zdnet.com/windows-and-android-on-one-pc-heres-how-amd-and-intel-plan-to-do-it-7000024942/
Rodolfo Roim @rodolforoim Interessante análise sobre a mudança da economia // The Rise of the Subscription Economy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kyle-hutzler/rise-of-the-subscription-economy_b_4548866.html